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Thursday, 16 March 2006
Apple DRM French Toast?
Mood:  quizzical
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Topic: Technology
This week the French Parliament will vote on a new law that promises to:

"take measures to effectively dismantle all types of DRM (digital rights management), including the technology that prevent content bought from Apple's music stores being played on Microsoft devices and vice versa.

The law will enshrine the right to interoperability between content and devices, effectively allowing consumers to break or otherwise circumvent
DRM and play music on the MP3 player of their choice.

In a recent parliamentary debate, Dominique Richard, a depute for the UMP coalition, described the law as instituting "interoperability that will stop content being the hostage of technology and authorise creativity using free [as in speech] software".

The law will also overhaul the country's legal system with regard to music piracy, giving those convicted of downloading pirated music a fixed ?38 fine and those convicted of illegally making music available for download a ?150 fine.

The legislation will also protect the right to make "personal copies" of content, such as music CDs."

Made by Oobio at 2:29 AM EET | Post Comment | Permalink

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